![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
17. Plug
1. Clamp
18. Door
2. Hose
3. Elbow
19. Rivet
4. Front assembly
20. Casing assembly
21. Valve
5. Screw
22. Clamp
6. Nut
23. Hose
7. Washer
24. Hose
8. Core assembly
Figure 4-27. Cab heater (Sheet 2 of 2)
4-298. FUEL TANK.
c. Remove clip (21) and link (22). Remove link (24),
retainer (23), spring (25) and plunger (26). Remove
4-299. REMOVAL. See figure 4-28 and remove the
retaining ring (28) and spring (27) from plunger (26).
fuel as follows:
Remove plug (30) and two balls (29 and 31).
a. Remove adapter (1) and elbow (2).
d. Remove plug (32) and pump jet (33). Remove
metering jet (34) and gasket (35). Remove needle
assembly (36) and gasket (37). Remove plug (38) and
b. Provide a proper receptacle, remove plug (3) and
tube (39). Remove two screws (41) and remove body
drain tank (7). Remove four nuts (5), two straps (4) and
(40), insulator (43) and two gaskets (42),
tank (7).
e. Remove two screws (47 and 49), nut (50) and lever
4-300. DISASSEMBLY. None required.
(48), Remove plug (44), screw (45) and spring (46).
Remove two screws (52) and remove valve (51) and lever
(53) from flange (54).
4 - 3 0 1 . COOLING SYSTEM.
4-295. GOVERNOR.
4-296. REMOVAL. See figure 4-28 and remove the
4-302. RADIATOR.
governor as outlined in paragraph 4-293b.
4 - 3 0 3 . REMOVAL. See figure 4-32 and remove the
4-297. DISASSEMBLY. See figure 4-31 and dis-
radiator as follows:
assemble the governor as follows:
a. Remove r a d i a t o r cap (18). Provide proper
a. Remove two screws (2 and 3) and remove cover (1)
receptacle; open drain valve (8) and allow all coolant to
and gasket (4). Remove two screws (6) and washers (7)
and remove valve (5). Remove two clips (8 and 9) and
remove shaft assembly. Remove pin (10) and cam (11)
b. Remove two clamps (3) and remove hose (4).
from shaft (12).
Remove adapter (1) and elbow (2). Remove four clamps
(5) and remove two hoses (6).
b. Remove cap (14), screw (16) and spring assembly
(17). Remove bushing (15) from screw (16). Remove plug
c. Remove four screws (9), washers (11) and nuts
(18) and rod (21). Remove clip (19) and piston (20) from
(13). Remove drain cock (8). Remove two screws (14),
rod (21).
four washers (15 and 16) and two nuts (17) and remove
radiator (19).
c. Remove plug (22) and two bearings (13 and 23)
from body (26). Remove two covers (24) and filter (25)
4304. DISASSEMBLY. None required.
from body (26).
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