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Steam cleaning creates hazardous noise levels and severe burn potential.
E y e , skin, and ear protection are required.
6. Exterior Parts. Steam clean all exterior parts thoroughly before removing. This will make
inspection and disassembly easier.
Drycleaning solvent P-D-680 is toxic and flammable. Wear protective
goggles and gloves and use only in well-ventilated area. Avoid contact with
s k i n , eyes, and clothes and do not breathe vapors. Do not use near open
f l a m e or excessive heat. Flash point is 100 -138 F (38 -50C). If you
become dizzy while using drycleaning solvent, get fresh air immediately and
g e t medical aid. If contact with eyes is made, wash your eyes with water
a n d get medical aid immediately.
Solvents used with spray gun must be used in spray booth with filter. Face
shield must be used by personnel operating spray gun. Failure to do so
c o u l d result in serious injury to personnel.
7. Engine, Cab, and Body. Use a spray gun and solvent mixture for cleaning exterior of engine,
cab, and body. Allow mixture to remain on item surface for about 10 minutes before rinsing.
Rinse with hot water under 80-120 pounds of pressure, if available. An ordinary garden hose
with nozzle may be used if other equipment is not available. Rinse thoroughly.
8. Degreasing Machine. A degreasing machine may be used to remove heavy grease and oil
accumulations from metal parts.
9. Passages. After removing parts from degreasing machine, and before coating with rust
preventive, check all oil passages and cavities for dirt or blockage. A thin, flexible wire should
be run through oil passages to make certain they are not clogged. Individual passages that are
dirty may be cleared using a pressure spray gun and drycleaning solvent.
To prevent corrosion, parts should be dipped in rust preventive compound
w i t h i n 2 hours after degreasing.
Electrical Parts. Electrical parts, such as coils, junction blocks, switches, and igniters, which
use insulating materials, should not be soaked or sprayed with cleaning solutions. Clean
these parts with a clean, lint-free cloth moistened with drycleaning solvent.
Electrical Grounds. Clean electrical ground contacts with emery cloth.
Oil and Fuel Tank. Pay special attention to all warnings and cautions when working on fuel
tank. Oil and fuel tanks should be flushed, using a spray gun and drycleaning solvent.
Battery. Exterior surfaces of the electrical system and battery should be cleaned with a weak
solution of baking soda and water. Apply solution with a bristle brush to remove corrosion.
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