![]() TM 5-2420-224-20-1
Functional Description of the Dual-
C i r c u i t Ai r B r a k e S y s t e m
Compressed air can be obtained at both the
The compressed air generated by the engine
pressure regulator and at the pressure tanks.
compressor (1.1) is directed to the antifreeze
pump (3.2) from which it reaches the pressure
The air tank (5.1) contains supply pressure for the
regulator (2.1) automatically mixed with antifreeze
trailer brake booster (27.2), the trailer protection
during winter operation.
valve (a) and the auxiliary consumers. Air tank
pressure is indicated by means of a dual pressure
The pressure regulator filters the air and limits the
gauge (11.2) and monitored via a warning light
system pressure to 107 PSI/7.35 bar (operating
(9.1) and a warning buzzer.
pressure). The pressure regulator is equipped
with an inflation connection. For inflating tires, the
The air tank (5.1a) provides compressed air to the
operating pressure is reduced below 87 PSI/6.0
trailer brake system, the antijackknife brake valve
bar (cut-in pressure of the pressure of the
(15.1) and the safety valve (33.2).
pressure regulator 90 PSI/6.2 bar).
For trailer operation, this valve (33.2a) is actuated-
The two air tanks (5.1), 27 l capacity, and (5.1a),
depressed by hand (push to supply trailer). The
10 l capacity, are filled simultaneously. The air
supply pressure flows to the trailer protection valve
tanks are equipped with safety valves (30.1) which
(45.) and from there further via the shut-off valve
open in the case of fault or at excess pressure
(8.3) and coupling head (35.0) to the trailer.
(approx. 131 PSI/9.0 bar).
(See trailer operation)
Two overflow valves (7.2) maintain the pressure in
the air tanks. From a pressure of 75 PSI/5.2 bar,
both tanks are connected by means of overflow.
A test connection is provided at each output of the
pressure tanks.
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