(5) Remove and discard one packing
(12) from bracket (9).
(6) Use a flat blade screwdriver to
r e m o v e retaining ring (13),
washer (14), spring (15), and
washer (16) from each end of
r o c k e r shaft (17).
(7) Remove one small (intake) rocker
arm (3).
(8) Remove one dowel pin (18) from
b r a c k e t (9). Remove bracket from
r o c k e r shaft (17).
(9) Remove six large (exhaust) rocker
arms (4), ten washers (19), five
springs (20), five rocker arms
(3), four brackets (10) and one
bracket (11) from rocker shaft
(17) l
( l 0 ) Remove one dowel pin (21) from
b r a c k e t (11).
(11) Remove one plug (22) from each
end of rocker shaft (17).
Discard two plugs.
b. Cleaning
Compressed air used for cleaning
purposes will not exceed 30 psi.
Use only with effective chip
guarding and personal protective
equipment (goggles/shield,
g l o v e s , etc.).
T h o r o u g h l y clean all parts in
an approved cleaning solvent
p r e s s u r e air (30 psi or less).
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